By: Zettalee Dennis

Oh the tongue... a tiny member...

but such a fiery host...

a weapon formed... with words, it's armed...

through them... their victim, roast;

Missiles aimed upon the heart...

as targets... for their kill...

not satisfied with flinching pain -

the sight of blood, it's thrill.

The tongue, filled with malicious words -

warheads, of bitter strife...

pierce into a tender soul...

and twist, like assassin's knife.

But the tongue when bridled,

as only - God can do...

is made an instrument of life...

yet borne... sadly, by 'few';

What once, might have been so vile...

a weapon, formed to kill -

God can change... if humbled...

and yielded - to His will.

"Words scar more than you think; so think before you speak." ~ Unknown


"Anger can make us speak our mind when we should be minding our

speech." ~ Unknown


"A person with a sharp tongue will eventually cut their own throat." ~ Unknown


"How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you." ~ Unknown


"Be sure to taste your words before you spit them out." ~ Unknown


“There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health.” (Proverbs 12:18)

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